Sustained Long-Term Financial Burden of Allo-HCT on Patients/Caregivers

Results of a 2-year pilot study of 16 allogeneic HCT recipients and their caregivers found that only half of patients who contributed to household income prior to HCT returned to work and a significant portion still faced financial challenges at least 2 years post-HCT. The analysis showed that 80% of recipients/caregivers reported that HCT had moderate to great impact on household income. However, the patients’ levels of confidence in their abilities to meet household financial obligations increased from baseline to 2 years. Patients and caregivers reported reliance on personal and retirement savings to cover expenses. The authors concluded that their study lays the foundation for a larger evaluation of patient/caregiver financial burden associated with HCT.

Denzen DM, et al. Bone Marrow Transplant

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